The word “jiu jitsu” derives from the Japanese “Jū” meaning “gentle” and “Jutsu” meaning “art”; essentially, jiu jitsu is the “gentle art”.
Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu is a predominantly ground-based martial art, using the principles of leverage, angles, pressure, and timing, as well as knowledge of the human anatomy, in order to achieve a non-violent submission of the opponent. Unlike other martial arts that focus on strikes and/or kicks, jiu-jitsu focuses on close-contact “grappling” holds and techniques, and the application of chokes and joint-manipulations.
More than just a workout, jiu-jitsu is often referred to as “human chess” in that it exercises both the body and the mind.
Benefits of Doing Brazilian Jiu Jitsu:
- Self-Defense.
- Stress Relief.
- Making Friends.
- Energy.
- Critical Thinking and Problem Solving.
- Humility and Patience.
- Having fun!
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